Ayurveda is an eastern medical system which was generated in India. Later on this became a renowned practice all around the world. Meaning of this Sanskrit word, “Ayurveda” is “the knowledge of life and longevity.
“Life (ayu) is the combination (samyoga) of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to human both in this world and the world beyond”
― Charaka
“From its ancient origins in India, Ayurveda has now spread all over the world. Its teaching uses a blend of herbal medicine, massage, nutrition, spiritual insight, practical experience, scientific analysis, and artistic creativity to guide us to a balanced fulfilled life style.”
―Sebastian Pole
History of Ayurveda
History of Ayurveda is extremely long that it is not yet specifically recognized when or how these theories were first commenced. The beginning of Ayurveda is prehistoric and it continued to exist through oral tradition until the vedic period. It is said that the knowledge of Ayurveda was given to sages by gods and thus was transmitted to human physicians by sages. Somehow according to modern Ayurveda sources the origin of Ayurveda traces back to 6000 BCE.
Ayurveda medical theories show a significant growth during the vedic period. The first recognized Ayurveda text was evolved from Vedas. With the occurring of doctrines such as Buddhism and Jainism many more effective medical concepts were developed. Later on Ayurveda medicine got combined with these medical theories.
“To follow our bliss and dive deeply into the mysteries of fragrance, color, taste; blend with the magnificent diversity of mother nature; and follow the inner signs to become aware of who we really are, is the alchemy of Ayurveda cookery”
-Prana Gogia
Theory ofAyurveda
According to Ayurveda humans are made of the same elements from which the universe is made of. These elements are, air, fire, water, earth and ether. These elements, being combined together creates three types of energy called doshas. They are,
Vata (air and speace)
Pitta (fire and water)
Kapha (earth and water)
“Ayurveda is a holistic science and lays emphasis on preserving and promoting the fitness of healthy individuals besides giving methods for treatment of diseases. Health is defined in Ayurveda as “soundness of body, organs and mind”.”
-Sharadini Arun Dahanukar.
Each person is made with these three doshas being combined in a unique way. Ayurveda treatments are done by examining the formation of these doshas. Thus they take a proper understanding about the physical and psychological state of the individual and do treatments to balance the function of body, mind and soul. They believe that there is a harmonious connection of mind, body and soul with the universe and when this connection is disrupted, it causes various physical and psychological illnesses. Through dietary changes, yoga, meditation, essential oils, herbs and supplements, they conduct various Ayurvedic theories to enhance the equilibrium of body, mind and soul. Practicing Ayurveda helps to lead a happy and healthy life.
“The Ayurvedic route to great health involves two simple steps:
Doing less
Being more”
-Shubhra Krishan
With the use of various plants and other natural elements they have prepared effective medical recipes that are used to cure various diseases. Through dietary changes and other therapeutic treatments they uplift the health condition of people. Apart from this yoga and meditation play a significant role in Ayurveda.
Yoga & Meditation
Yoga and meditation is practiced by people in order to gain self-awareness, mindfulness and higher consciousness. Practicing yoga and meditation can take you to another dimension attracting positive energy and vibrations into your life.
“Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word, ‘yui’ which means ‘to unite’. Therefore Yoga unites the mind and body by controlling breath and improving balance of the body while leading you to the utmost level of physical and psychological wellbeing with the calmness, discipline and clarity of mind obtained.
Apart from that meditation is also scientifically proven and highly recommended for the psychological wellbeing of humans. Meditating reduces stress and increases focus while regulating heartbeat and blood pressure by making you master concentration
Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Medicine
With introduction of Buddhism, Sri Lanka received the knowledge of Indian Ayurveda, which later on combined with the profound, traditional medical theories. There is an interesting history linked to Ayurvedic medicine in Sri Lanka, which proves its significance through the ruins of ancient temples and hospital sites where monks and Rishis used to practice Ayurvedic medicine.
Using various herbs that can be found in Sri Lanka, Ayurveda practitioners have developed various medical recipes that have been showing effective results since the ancient times. This precious medical system, which carries a long history with it, is still renowned for its effectiveness.
“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.”
―Shubhra Krishan